
Welcome to Katherine Jenkins Photography! I am a mostly self taught photographer who loves capturing life's sweet moments on camera. I enjoy shooting both in studio or outdoors, and would love to photograph your family! Feel free to take a look around, check out my style and let me know if you like what you see. ~Enjoy!


Katy is one of my best friends from nursing school. We were in the same classes, clinicals and worked together for 3 1/2 years and now I hardly get to see her! She is due with baby boy G in ten days and her belly was absolutely perfect. We were lucky enough to snag the one warm day in March to take some great pics of it. I hope you love them Katy!

For baby G

I know this is completely over-exposed but I really love it!

Do you like it better in color . . .

Or black and white?



Hey I really like the one that is over exposed! YOu do a really good job!

Anonymous said...

I like the black and white one!