
Welcome to Katherine Jenkins Photography! I am a mostly self taught photographer who loves capturing life's sweet moments on camera. I enjoy shooting both in studio or outdoors, and would love to photograph your family! Feel free to take a look around, check out my style and let me know if you like what you see. ~Enjoy!


Little B is now 18 months old and I can hardly believe it. She grows so fast! It's hard to be the photographer and the mom but I finally got some pictures taken and did them myself. A big thanks to Sarah and Didi for their help during the shoots. Here are several (I did a lot since she's my own!) from her 18 month photo shoots part 1 and 2. Enjoy!

Didi helping out during the shoot!


Jess said...

She looks SO big! More like a toddler than a baby.

I love the pictures! I think my favorite is of her on the tractor with the steering wheel. It's perfect! You did a great job!!