
Welcome to Katherine Jenkins Photography! I am a mostly self taught photographer who loves capturing life's sweet moments on camera. I enjoy shooting both in studio or outdoors, and would love to photograph your family! Feel free to take a look around, check out my style and let me know if you like what you see. ~Enjoy!

Riley and Ryker

These two cute kids belong to my darling friend and neighbor Jodie. Jodie is a small town, country girl at heart so we decided to recreate that feeling for these pictures of her children. I just love their cowboy/girl outfits. These kids are as sweet and sassy as they come which is why it was so much fun to shoot them and why I love them so much!

P.S. Jodie, don't be mad but I snuck in one of you at the end! :)


Linzy said...

Oh my gosh, those are sooo cute!